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Pastoral Care Pastoral Care
16 Peppard Road
Reading RG4 8JZ
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Caversham Prep
An inspirational, small family led prep school nurturing boys and girls from ages 3 to 11 in the heart of Reading
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Pastoral Care

Parents need to know that when they say “good-bye” to their children in the morning, that they will have a happy and safe day full of learning and friends. Happy children are learning children. Here are some of the ways that we keep your children happy and safe.

The contribution of arrangements for pastoral care is excellent. Pupils are well educated in accordance with the school’s aim to develop their potential to the optimum. - Independent Schools Inspectorate


Communication with Parents

We let you know if your child is unwell, has had an accident or even just needs their swimming costume and is upset because they forgot it. We ring you if the matter is urgent, talk to you at the front door at the end of the day, write in their communication books, ask you to sign an accident form if your child has grazed their knee, inform you of any bumped head incident and send home an advice leaflet.

Pupil Voice

We give our pupils a voice in their education. We involve them in decision making when it is appropriate. We do Pupil Satisfaction Surveys to gauge whether the school is doing enough for them and helping us to improve as educators. The children become Ambassadors, join the School and ECO Councils become Reception Buddies and Playground Buddies, run events and fund-raising very enthusiastically. 

Buddy System

The children in Year 6 are buddied with the Reception children when they first arrive in school. The Buddies help the younger children to put on their coats and wellingtons, take them to the toilet from the playground and sometimes read to them or listen to them read or help out with a lesson.

Wellbeing Link 

Mrs Sarah Wavell is our Wellbeing Link. She is someone that the children can talk to if they are upset or unhappy about anything and she will lend them a listening ear, encouraging them and helping them to deal with their concerns. Mrs Caroline Kidao looks after any children that have been identified as vulnerable and may need to be on a Care Plan.

Playground Supervision and Friends

Supervision on the playground is very tight and effective. Three Teaching Assistants and the Duty Teacher are outside all of break-time. An Incident Record Book is kept. Playground Friends are older children who have been given the job of helping to keep the playground a happy place to be. They are trained to watch for any children who may be standing on their own or not joining in. They then become ‘befrienders’.

Trained First Aiders

Most of our staff are First Aid trained and at least two are Paediatric First Aiders. We watch out for allergies, take epi-pen training and have asthma health plans in place. 


We take any form of bullying very seriously and always involve the parents if there is an incident. We teach our children what bullying is, who to talk to about it and why it is important to tell someone. We have a strong anti-bullying policy (see our Policies page)

In their response to the questionnaire, pupils and parents say that the systems of reward and sanctions are understood by all and fairly administered. Pupils report that cases of bullying are minimal and they agree that they would receive support and help from any of the adults involved in their daily care. - Independent Schools Inspectorate 


We take safety very seriously and have educational filters on our computers and IPads. We educate our children regularly about keeping themselves safe online and what to do and who to go to if they feel at all uncomfortable. 

Class Rules

Each Class devises a set of rules that they think are important to follow in their daily life in the classroom. These are always published in the classroom and will be referred to if needed or from time to time as a reminder.

Star and Bookworm

In every Achievement assembly there is a Star and a Bookworm. The Star is presented with a certificate which says why they have been chosen. It may be that they have been helpful in class, been polite to an adult or done some fantastic work. The Bookworm is chosen for reading. It may be moving up to the next level, becoming a ‘free reader’, having read a difficult book, or finished their reading list.


All of the Governors have a change during their visits to talk to the children and to make sure that they are happy, know about eSafety, know who to talk to if they are unhappy or being bullied. Any concerns are immediately communicated to the Head Teacher.

Caversham Prep pupil during pastoral care

School Life